Laser Acne Scars Treatment Dubai | Acne Scar Removal Dubai

Acne Treatment

What is acne?

Acne is a common inflammatory disorder of the skin. It usually happens when hair follicles which are there under the skin are clogged. Dead skin cells and Sebum (a type of oil that saves skin from drying) clog the pores. It will lead to unwanted lesion known as acne.

Usually we get acne on face. But apart from the face, they may also appear on the chest, back or even shoulders. Many times they remain as unwanted spots but they can even turn out to be nasty scars - a hindrance in your flawless looks.

Who gets acne?

People all over the world get acne irrespective of age or race. They commonly start appearing throughout puberty. Though males and females both can get acne, it is more common in males during teenage years. On the other hand, it is more common in women into adulthood.

Factors responsible for getting acne
  • Excessive production of Sebum oil which will clog the pores
  • Dead skin cells which will clog the pores
  • Certain types of bacteria which will clog the pores
  • Heredity of acne
  • Certain types of medications
  • Certain types of Hormones changes
  • Certain types of oily and sugary diets
  • Stress
  • Puberty
  • Some Beauty products
Types of Acne
Acne can cause different types of spots, lesions, or pimples. Different Types of acne include:
  • Papules: These are the lesions which are Inflamed. They are pink and tiny bumps on the skin.
  • Whiteheads: These are caused by plugged hair follicles. They stay under the skin producing a white bump.
  • Blackheads: These are caused by plugged hair follicles. They appear on the surface of the skin. They appear black because of the discoloration of the sebum due to air.
  • Nodules: These are large and solid lesions. They are rooted deep within the skin and will be painful.
  • Pimples: These are the lesions which are red at the base. They have white or yellow pus filled lesions on the top.
Acne Treatment at Glow
We offer different types of treatment options for acne at Glow:
  • Light therapy – In this therapy, a combination of red and blue light is used to kill acne bacteria. It will decrease the production of Sebum. It will also reduce the inflammation.
  • Chemical peels – In this treatment, chemical peels are used to treat acne. It will smoothen the surface of the skin. It will reduce the scarring on the face.
  • Acne injections – They are used to reduce the redness, swelling, and pain of inflammatory acne lesions within a short span of time.
  • First-line therapy - This treatment offers a combination of topical retinoid and antimicrobial therapy.
  • IV drips – They will help in reducing the oxidative stress. Drips of vitamin C and glutathione will help in getting rid of acne.
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